Practical Nursing


The Jackson Regional Practical Nursing Program provides the theory and skills necessary to perform as an entry-level practical nurse upon successful program completion. Instruction is provided through classroom lecture and discussion, laboratory demonstrations and practice, and clinical assignments at hospitals and long term care facilities. Through clinical rotations, students are exposed to the care of persons in a variety of settings such as: medical, surgical, pediatric, obstetrical and geriatric. Progressing from simple to complex, clinical experiences provide students the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for the practice of nursing and for providing the foundation for continuing personal and professional growth.  The practical nursing student must complete the prescribed course of study and clinical experience and then pass the national licensure examination (NCLEX) to become a Licensed Practical Nurse.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 12 Months
Clock Hours 1,296
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $5,725.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $1,828.42

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Nurse Aid432Certificate
Practical Nursing1296Diploma

To apply for the Practical Nursing program, applicants must submit all general admissions requirements, Practical Nursing program specific requirements (including but not limited to a regular high school diploma or equivalent, being at least 18 years of age, and passing the HESI Entrance Exam), and any documents for points by the published deadline to be considered for the class. Acceptance is competitive and is based on a point system. Completion of admission requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program. 

Guide to Applying to the Practical Nursing Program.pdf

Schedule the HESI exam through our website by accessing the Quick Links option in the upper right corner. If you need additional assistance, contact TCAT Jackson’s Testing Center at 731-424-0691, ext. 110.  

Campus Location

Start Date

Entrance Exam Deadline/Early Bird Deadline for Document Submission

Final Deadline for Submitting Required Documents

Brownsville January Last Friday in September Second Friday in October

Jackson Lexington


Last Friday in January Second Friday in February

Henderson Humboldt Whiteville


Last Friday in May

Second Friday in June


Campus Locations

Lexington Extension Campus
230 S. Broad Street
Lexington, TN 38351
Brownsville/Haywood Extension Campus
401 Westlake Way
Brownsville, TN 38012
Whiteville Extension Campus
1685 Highway 64
PO Box 489
Whiteville, TN 38075
Henderson/Chester County Instructional Service Center
1449 White Avenue
Henderson, TN 38340
Humboldt Higher Education Instructional Service Center
1751 Main Street
Humboldt, TN 38343
Main Campus
2468 Technology Center Dr.
Jackson, TN 38301


Meredith Cooper, M. S. N., R. N. Director Practical Nursing & Allied Health Programs
731-424-0691 x120
Rhonda Moses, B. S. N., R. N, Henderson/Chester County
Savannah Rushing, BSN, RN
Lori Akins, Lexington
731-967-1795 x205
Heather Doolin, A. S. N., R. N., Part-Time, Humboldt Higher Education ISC
Traci Mayfield, ASN, RN
Kelley Ross, MSN, RN
Miranda Scott, ASN, RN
Kathryn Sparks, ASN, RN
Lauren Taylor, ASN, RN

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