Student Handbook

Student Conduct


Students are expected and encouraged to develop proper work habits and to maintain a sincere, cooperative attitude at all times.

Student Accountability/Conduct

Students are responsible for their own conduct, and violations of established rules and regulations may subject them to disciplinary measures or dismissal. Tennessee College of Applied Technology complies with the Tennessee Board of Regents Policy 3:02:00:01 General Regulations on Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions.


Academic Integrity Policy

Tennessee College of Applied Technology operates under the premise of academic integrity. The policy prohibits plagiarism and other forms of academic cheating. It is the instructor's responsibility to create an environment in which academic integrity is expected. It is the student’s obligation to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with expectations for academic integrity. The full policy statement on Academic Integrity is set out in the TBR Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions Policy.



Computer Operation and Internet Access Policy and Guidelines

All students acknowledge the Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology each time they log on to a school computer. Compliance with this policy is necessary to ensure the security and performance of Tennessee College of Applied Technology computer resources and a proper learning environment. Strict adherence to this policy will prevent costly damage, need for equipment/system repairs, system downtime, and/or loss of computer privileges. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology’s Acceptable Use Policy.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any person who violates this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


Materials published by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The DMCA also requires that the institution inform all computer and network users that downloading of copyrighted material is prohibited. In addition, T.C.A §49-7-142 requires that the institution prohibit the infringement of copyrighted works using institutional resources. Any attempts to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary sanctions. Violations will result in corrective action by the appropriate institution office in accordance with applicable policy. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary measures imposed by their supervisor in conjunction with the institution's administration. Violations of local, state, or federal laws regarding unlawful access or use may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials for investigation and/or prosecution.

Copyright General Information

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) to creators of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other published and unpublished works, when "fixed in a tangible form of expression." Protections last for the term of the author's life plus 50 years after death. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided to the owner of a copyright. The Copyright Act (1976) contains provisions permitting the award of monetary damages against individuals who infringe on copyrighted material. In civil cases, the law allows the assessment of actual damages or statutory damages. For each infringement, statutory damages range from $250 to $10,000. Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act also establish exempt uses of copyrighted materials and thus relief from liability. One major limitation is the doctrine of "fair-use" which is given statutory basis in Section 107 of the Act.

Patriot Act Notice to All Students

The U.S.A. Patriot Act authorizes law enforcement agencies, acting pursuant to a valid court order, to compel personnel to disclose otherwise confidential information about their student educational records, electronic communication including e-mail; their computer access of the internet and other network databases; and/or records of their telephone usage.

Traffic and Parking Rules

Faculty, students, and visitors are expected to comply with all campus parking and speed regulations as well as all state laws, and county and municipal ordinances governing traffic/parking in their locality. State and local law enforcement authorities will enforce those provisions on the Tennessee College of Applied Technology campuses. This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with, Traffic and Parking:

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology reserves the right to tow any vehicle that is improperly parked or abandoned. Any fees associated with towing will be the responsibility of the owner/driver of the vehicle.



Disabled/Handicapped Parking Violations

Authority: Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-8-203

The fine for disabled/handicapped parking violations is established by State law and will increase, as needed, to remain in compliance with State law. This rule supersedes all rules or notices regarding fines for disabled/handicapped parking violations at any TBR Institution. The fine for disabled/ handicapped parking violation is $200.00 or as prescribed by state law.

Theft, Loss, or Damage to Motor Vehicles

The College is not responsible for the security of, loss, or damage to, any vehicle or its contents while on campus. Students are requested to report any incidents, unusual occurrences, or concerns regarding their vehicles on Tennessee College of Applied Technology property to the Tennessee College of Applied Technology administration.


Pursuant to T.C.A. §§39-17-1309 and 39-1751 and TBR Policy No. 7:01:00:00, possession of firearms on Tennessee College of Applied Technology property is generally prohibited. The permitless/constitutional carry legislation, T.C.A. § 39-17-1307(g), does NOT allow permitless/constitutional carry on TBR property. And may subject an individual to arrest/prosecution and/or disciplinary action, subject to the exceptions identified in TBR policy, which are summarized below:

1. Adult full-time employees who possess a valid handgun carry permit may possess a firearm on institutional property if;

a. The individual has registered with the law enforcement agency/agencies with jurisdiction over the campus, which is the employee’s regularly designated worksite,

b. The firearm is concealed on their person or within their immediate control, and

c. The individual does not disclose the fact that they are carrying a firearm to any person.

2. Adults, including students, employees, and visitors may store a firearm and/or ammunition in their motor vehicle if the handgun and/or ammunition is securely stored out of ordinary vision and is not handled by the adult or any other person, other than for purposes of complying with this policy, while the vehicle is on institution property.

3. Students may never carry or possess a firearm on Tennessee College of Applied Technology property unless specifically permitted by TBR Policy or a specific statutory exception.

4. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology will not take any adverse disciplinary action against any person for possession/carrying a handgun on institution property if they remain in compliance with T.C.A. §39-17-1309(e)(9), T.C.A. §39-17-1313, TBR policy, and Tennessee College of Applied Technology policy.

5. Violations of these laws and policies will result in the appropriate legal and disciplinary action. Please TBR policy, linked above, for more detail regarding the applicable laws and policy requirements regarding the possession of firearms on campus.


Drug-Free Campus and Workplace

In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-960) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution, or dispensing of "controlled substances", as defined in the Controlled Substance Act, 21 U.S.C. 812, and alcohol on school property. All employees and students are subject to this Act. Any violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Policy on Drug Screening

In addition to any program-specific policy, in compliance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Campus & Workplace Act and to maintain a safe environment conducive to both work and learning, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology specifically prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of alcohol or illegal drugs, the misuse of legally prescribed or "over the counter" drugs or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in its facilities and programs. Pursuant to this policy, and where "reasonable suspicion" exists that a student or employee is "under the influence" of alcohol or a controlled substance while on campus or engaged in any Tennessee College of Applied Technology related activity, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology may require that an individual to submit to a test to determine the presence of alcohol or controlled substances.

For the purposes of this policy, "reasonable suspicion" means suspicion based on specific and articulable facts, taken together with rational inferences from those facts that give rise to the conclusion that an individual is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance(s). "Under the influence" means that an individual's judgment or motor coordination is impaired due to the presence or use of alcohol or a controlled substance(s), including prescription medication(s).

When it has been determined that a reasonable suspicion exists that an individual is under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance, he/she may be required to submit to a test to determine whether the individual is actually under the influence. An individual who refuses to undergo testing when reasonable suspicion has been determined to exist, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action under the applicable disciplinary policy. Additionally, any person who tests positive for being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance(s) in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. The cost of reasonable suspicion drug testing is the responsibility of the individual being tested.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Information

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology Jackson's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program addresses three major concerns:

  1. The maintenance of an environment in which students can learn and be safe,
  2. Help for students whose development or performance is threatened by abuse of drugs or alcohol, and
  3. The enforcement of policies and laws regarding possession or use of drugs or alcohol on campus.

What Is Addiction?

When a drug user cannot stop taking a drug even if s/he wants to, it is called addiction. The urge is too strong to control, even if you know the substance is causing harm.

Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing, brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her. Although the initial decision to use drugs or alcohol is voluntary for most people, the brain changes that occur over time challenge an addicted person's self-control and hamper his or her ability to resist intense impulses to use drugs or alcohol.

Addiction can become more important than the need to eat or sleep. The urge to get and use the drug can fill every moment of a person's life. The addiction replaces all the things the person used to enjoy. A person who is addicted might do almost anything-lying, stealing, or hurting people-to keep taking the drug. This could get the person arrested.

Addiction is a disease, just as diabetes and cancer are diseases. Addiction is not simply a weakness. People from all backgrounds, rich or poor, can get an addiction. Addiction can happen at any age, but it usually starts when a person is young.

Statement of Health Risks

Abusing drugs or alcohol interferes with the body's normal functioning. Because drugs directly affect many parts of the brain, abuse can lead to problems with learning, sleeping and emotional health. Abuse can also lead to permanent damage of vital organs such as the brain, heart and liver and be manifested by heart attack, stroke, blood clots, lung damage, liver damage, cancer, and sudden death.

Individuals who suffer from addiction often have one or more accompanying medical issues, including lung and cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and mental disorders. Imaging scans, chest X-rays, and blood tests show the damaging effects of substance abuse throughout the body. For example, tests show that tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. In addition, some drugs of abuse, such as inhalants, are toxic to nerve cells and may damage or destroy them either in the brain or the peripheral nervous system.

Even small doses of drugs and alcohol can significantly impair judgment and coordination. This is especially true in a person's ability to safely drive a vehicle or operate other machinery. Moderate doses may increase incidents of aggressive acts like spouse or child abuse. High doses can cause respiratory depression and death.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a common problem of babies and infants born to mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy. These infants can have mental retardation and irreversible physical abnormalities. Children born to alcoholic parents are at a greater risk of becoming alcoholics.

Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Drug Abuse; Tennessee Code Annotated.

Prevention Assistance

Drug and alcohol addiction are preventable diseases. Effective education and outreach programs can lead to reduced instances of abuse. Abuse can be prevented if one never uses drugs.

It is the policy of the College to prohibit the illegal use, abuse, manufacture, possession, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance, including any stimulant, depressant, narcotic, hallucinogenic drug or substance, or marijuana on College-owned, controlled, or leased property. Such use, solicitation, sale, or distribution is prohibited during any school-related activity, including off-campus trips. All students are subject to applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. In addition, any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary actions as set forth in the Student Conduct Policy and Disciplinary Sanctions section of this Handbook. Students are also subject to arrest and prosecution by civil authorities for violation on campus.

College personnel will seek to identify abuse problems and provide immediate intervention and assistance. The College will assist any individual whose mental or physical health is threatened by the use or abuse of alcohol or drugs. The College counselor can refer individuals to community resource centers for abuse counseling and rehabilitation.

Following is a list of area resources:

JACOA, 900 E. Chester St., Jackson 38301 731-423-3653
Pathways of Tennessee, Inc. 238 Summar Drive, Jackson, TN 38301 731-541-8200
Pathways Henderson County 759 West Church St., Lexington, TN  731-968-8197
Quinico Community Mental Health 10710 Old Hwy 64, Bolivar, TN 38008 731-658-6113

Further information is available in the Student Services Coordinator's office.

Sanctions - Unlawful Possession or Distribution

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology and all Tennessee Board of Regents institutions have prohibitions against the possession and/or use of drugs and alcohol on property controlled by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology or while participating in a Tennessee College of Applied Technology sponsored program. (Please see disciplinary policies and procedures concerning student conduct listing in the Tennessee Board of Regents Policies (TBR) and Guidelines for Tennessee College of Applied Technology section of this handbook).

Various federal, state, and local statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, solicit, dispense, deliver, sell, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, solicit, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors, which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, whether death or serious bodily injury results from the use of such substance, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of such substance. Possible maximum penalties for a violation of federal/state laws prohibiting the use/distribution of drugs/alcohol include imprisonment, up to a term of life imprisonment, and fines in excess of $1 million. In addition, employees/students found to be in violations of federal or state laws regarding the use/distribution of drugs/alcohol may be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination of employment or enrollment at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology.

Smoking Policy

Pursuant to, and in supplement of, the laws of the State of Tennessee (T.C.A. § 49-7-135) and TBR Policy No. 1:07:00:10, the following smoking policy applies to all persons at Tennessee College of Applied Technology Jackson:

Smoking will not be permitted in any administrative or faculty office, shop, classroom, school vehicle, or laboratory at any time. All smoking must be done in designated outside areas that are located at least 25 feet away from any entranceway or window(s). All buildings and the main breezeway between the shop areas are smoke-free environments. The use of electronic or e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco will be treated the same as traditional tobacco products for purposes of this policy.

Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is also prohibited in the following locations:

Main Campus: Benches and Picnic Tables

Persons violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including the termination of employment or enrollment at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. Visitors violating the policy will be asked to stop their violation. If a visitor refuses to comply with the policy after being instructed to stop will be escorted off the premises.

The instructor of each program may permit smoke breaks as deemed appropriate but shall not interfere with the daily schedule, College policy, and/or shall not be permitted in an area that is prohibited by this policy or that will present a safety hazard. Receptacles will be provided for this purpose, and all persons are expected to properly dispose of their cigarette butts.