

Welding is designed to give the student basic preparation toward becoming an expert welder and using welding as a trade. Specialized classroom and shop learning experiences with all types of commonly used metal welding are offered. These types include shielded metal arc (stick welding), gas metal arc (MIG), tungsten inert gas (TIG), and flux core welding. Also flame cutting and plasma arc cutting are taught. Other related instruction emphasizes properties of metals, blueprint reading, welding symbols, fitting, and fabrication.


Information Detail
Time Commitment Full Time
Typical Program Length 12 Months
Clock Hours 1,296
Class Type Day
Credentials Certificate, Diploma
Total Tuition/Fees $4,665.00
Textbook/Supplies Cost $1,312.41

Program Credentials

Option NameHoursCredentials
Shielded Metal Arc Welder432Certificate
Gas Metal Arc Welder864Certificate
Gas Tungsten Arc Welder1296Certificate
Combination Welder1296Diploma

Campus Locations

Whiteville Extension Campus
1685 Highway 64
PO Box 489
Whiteville, TN 38075
Main Campus
2468 Technology Center Dr.
Jackson, TN 38301
Stanton Extension Campus
8285 Highway 222
Stanton, TN 38069
Lexington Extension Campus
230 S. Broad Street
Lexington, TN 38351


Rodney Russell
Bradley Newman
Tim Riley
Hunter Creasy
Brandon Plunk

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